Macadam / Back Streets of Paris (1946) DVD9
Francoise Rosay gives a robust portrayal as the blowsy proprietress, a confidante of criminals and a tippler of no small accomplishment. When a character named Victor comes to hide out in the hotel she shrewdly talks him into leaving his money with her by convincing him that one of the guests is a policeman on his trail. Meanwhile, Madame Rose tips off a police informer about Victor and prepares to enjoy the fruits of her double-cross, but the resourceful Victor, making one of those violent getaways, returns to make the old dame pay for her treachery.
Moreover, one of the young guests has his time pretty well occupied between a romance (sacred) with Madame Rose's strait-laced daughter and a romance (profane) with Victor's accomplice.

DVD9 | PAL 4:3 | 01:40:25 | 6.65 Gb + 3% rec
Language: Francais
Subtitles: English
Genre: Crime, Drama

Directors: Jacques Feyder, Marcel Blistene
Cast: Francoise Rosay, Andree Clement, Simone Signoret
Country: France

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