A Serious Man 2009Physics professor Larry Gopnik (Michael Stuhlbarg) is watching his life fall apart. His detached wife (Sari Lennick) wants a ritualistic divorce so she can marry synagogue lothario Sy Ableman (Fred Melamed), his children (Aaron Wolff and Jessica McManus) seem more concerned with the trappings of the material world (chiefly marijuana and nose jobs) than their faith, his academic tenure is being threatened by a series of anonymous letters, his doctor is attempting to reach him with some troubling news, his wild-eyed neighbor (Peter Breitmayer) is brazenly encroaching on his property line, his lawyer (Adam Arkin) isn't helping matters, his legal fees are racking up, a Korean student (David Kang) is trying to bribe his way to a passing grade, his live-in brother Arthur (Richard Kind) is attracting the attention of the local police, and a glimpse of a naked woman (Amy Landecker) introduces more temptation into the mix. And that lengthy laundry list only covers the poor man's most pressing problems. Desperate to understand why God would subject such a loyal, humble believer to so many trials, Larry embarks on a quest for answers...

Directors: Ethan Coen, Joel Coen
Cast: Michael Stuhlbarg, Richard Kind, Sari Lennick
Country: USA, UK, France
Genre: Comedy, Drama

BD50 + DVD9 | 1080p AVC, NTSC | 01:45:36 | 37.4 Gb + 7.42 Gb + 3% rec
Language: English, Espanol, Francais
Subtitles: English, Espanol, Francais

Three featurettes:
• "Becoming Serious" (17 minutes), a must-see dissection aimed at those who had a difficult time understanding the film or its characters
• "Creating 1967" (14 minutes), an interesting production tour that focuses on set design, costumes, and props
• "Hebrew and Yiddish for Goys" (2 minutes), a self-explanatory glossary of sorts that provides rapidfire definitions for some of the Yiddish terms and slang sprinkled throughout the film.