Anatomie 2 / Anatomy 2 (2003) DVD9
Young medical student Jo Hauser (Barnaby Metschurat) leaves the small town of Duisburg to take an internship at a large hospital in Berlin. Jo is determined to make it as a doctor, as his brother Willi (Hanno Koffler) has a degenerative muscle disease -- this same disease killed their father. As Jo is getting used to the rigorous routine at the hospital, he is befriended by a nurse named Lee (Rosie Alvarez), but his real interest lies with Professor Muller-LaRousse (Herbert Knaup) and his elite group of interns. Jo approaches this circle of brilliant scientists and learns that they are Anti-Hippocratics. (Their motto is "Do the Possible".) Muller-LaRousse and his team are experimenting with artificial human muscles, but the cost to join this team is high, as one must experiment on one's self. Jo is very eager to join this clique, but is not prepared for their world of voluntary surgery, drugs, and murder. At the same time, Jo discovers that Muller-LaRousse has ordered the killing of people who tried to speak out against the dangers of the experiments.

DVD9 | PAL 16:9 | 01:37:32 | 7.74 Gb + 3% rec
Language: Deutsch (Dolby AC3, 6 ch)
Subtitles: English, Deutsch, Turkish
Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller

Director: Stefan Ruzowitzky
Cast: Ariane Schnug, August Diehl, Herbert Knaup, Birgit von Ronn, Klaus Schindler, Barnaby Metschurat, Rosie Alvarez, Hanno Koffler
Country: Germany

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