Taggart 1964
Ralph Taggart (Ray Teal), a farmer, arrives in an area where he chose to settle with his wife and his son Kent (Tony Young). Ben Blazer (Emile Meyer) accompanied by his son Rusty (Peter Duryea) and his men spread panic among the Taggarts during which the whole clan of Taggart shot dead, except Kent miraculously escaped the massacre. Ben Blazer also injured during the stampede, was taken into town to the doctor by his son. While the doctor is trying to heal the old Ben, Kent broke into the doctor's office and shot Rusty Blazer before being mastered by the sheriff. The latter, considering that Kent was in self defense, free Kent and advises him to leave the area, but old Ben determined to avenge the death of his son rusty, brought in a hired killer, Jason Jay (Dan Duryea), to whom he promises $ 5,000 if he brings Taggart dead or alive. Then begins a long chase through the Apache country....

DVD5 | PAL 16:9 | 01:21:36 | 4.35 Gb + 3% rec
Language: English
Subtitles: Francais, Nederlands
Genre: Western

Director: R.G. Springsteen
Cast: Tony Young, Dan Duryea, Dick Foran
Country: USA

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